There are several reasons why a pay line would not initiate - here are some of the more common reasons:
- Check the employee status (KE0011) found under Employee Maintenance (KE0001). The status must be Active, Leave, or Final Pay, as shown highlighted in yellow.
- Check the pay cycle on the Payroll Calendar, this can be found under the Payroll Processing Menu -> Summer Pay Accrual Menu -> Payroll Calendar Maintenance (KE0092) . The employee’s payline pay cycle must be defined on the payroll calendar.
- Is the payline active? It must be active.
- If the payline is a contract payline, is there money left on the contract? There must be pay remaining on the payline.
- Are there effective dates on the Payline Detail screen that are preventing pay? Pay will only initiate if the check date is greater than the start date (effective date + 1).
- Are there stop/start effective dates associated with the calendar code assigned on the employee’s status screen? Pay will only initiate if the check date is greater than the start date (effective date + 1).