What Motor Vehicle report can I run for Prior Abatements?

2 min. readlast update: 10.26.2023

Note: This is for new clients.

Property Billing → Motor Vehicle Billing → Billing Preparation → Prior Supplements and Abatements (PT0386) 

Once you have uploaded the new Motor Vehicle file (Motor Vehicle Load Process (MV0008)) and gone through the matching process (Ownership Match and Update From Permanent File (MV0004)) you will run the Prior Supplements and Abatements (PT0386) process.

Note: This report does not include blank account numbers; you will need to run a a Meta Query to pick up blank accounts for abatements.   


Taxbill Year: Enter the current year. 

Mvwork Rpt Sel: Select either Prior Sold Abatement or Prior Move Abatement.

· Prior Sold Abatement: Run this report after you have completed the motor vehicle matching process in the work file. This option generates a report of all the sold abatements done for the month uploaded. This report includes abatements from all years not just the Taxbill Year entered. 


  • Prior Move Abatement: Run this report after you have completed the motor vehicle matching process in the work file. This option generates a report of all the move out abatements done for the month uploaded. This report includes abatements from all years not just the Taxbill Year entered. 

Note: Some items in the report may appear to be duplicate, these are actually separate bills for MV1 and MV2, etc.   


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