What is an "Optional on-site tune-up visit"?

2 min. readlast update: 02.01.2021

This is a discounted, on-site visit from a Keystone employee that can be used for whichever topics your organization desires.  Typical uses include training and review/implementation of specific modules.

Across the board, we find that our customers – even those who have been using our software for a while – greatly benefit from an on-site visit from a Keystone employee.  Here’s a quote from a site that has been using Keystone for over 10 years, with little turnover:

Just wanted to let you know how valuable the tune-up was.  It was FABULOUS!  You helped us with many things, and showed us new things that would help make our jobs easier.  We didn’t even get to the items we thought we were going to look at!  Again, thanks for the support Keystone is always willing to give to its customers!

Typically, the tune-ups are offered on a pre-paid basis, to be paid at the same time as your annual maintenance renewal.  However, we may extend the offer to your organization at other times during the year, particularly if you have turnover at key positions.

The packaged rate includes Keystone’s travel time and travel expenses to your organization.  Unless stated otherwise, the footprint of the trip is three calendar days, with the employee commencing travel to your site on the morning for the first day, and returning on the afternoon/evening of the third day. The actual on-site time may vary depending on the travel time to your site.

The visit must be scheduled during the current fiscal year; your organization may decide the topics and the focus of the visit. If we cannot complete the visit during the current fiscal year due to Keystone’s scheduling conflicts we will schedule the visit during the next fiscal year.  Should you wish to join forces with a nearby Keystone organization, please let us know!

Please contact us at clientcare@keyinfosys.com if you would like more information specific to your organization. 

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