A Standard Journal Entry is a template of a journal entry for common/recurring journal entries.
TIP: Use a good description to make your Standard Journal Entries easier to find!
There are two ways to create a Standard Journal Entry:
1) From the Standard/Recurring Journal Entry screen (GL1035) (General Ledger -> Journal Entries Menu -> Standard/Recurring Journal Entry) select the New Record / Next Number iconor fill out all fields that you would like to save -> Select OK.
These transactions will not post to the general ledger until you select OK.
2) From the regular Journal Entry screen (GL1031) (General Ledger -> Journal Entries Menu -> Journal Entry), select the New Record / Next Number icon (Do not select the Load box) -> Fill out all fields that you would like to save -> Select the Options… button
Select the Save Standard Entry
Select Yes to confirm
These transactions will not post to the general ledger until you select the OK button on the Journal Entry (GL1031) screen.
Note: To use a Standard Journal Entry, go to the regular Journal Entry (GL1031) screen, create a new record -> Select the Load box -> Use the Lookup icon Select the Standard Journal Entry from the list, and all saved fields will automatically populate.