What do the status values in each detail / line item mean on a Purchase Order?

1 min. readlast update: 04.23.2024

The "Status" column on the Purchase Order Entry (PO2104) / Inquiry (PO2204) screen indicates the current status of a line item on a purchase order.

The values are:

  • AP - Accounts Payable (When an invoice has been entered and the detail information cannot be modified.)
  • APC - Accounts Payable Complete (Will be completed once the invoice register is posted.)
  • APU - Accounts Payable Unposted
  • C - Complete
  • CC - Closed Current Year (During the Year End Rollover process, the item was rolled to the Next Year.)
  • CP - Closed Prior Year
  • CR - Carryover Reverse (When the Purchase Order is carried over to the new year and then reversed back to the previous year.)
  • O - Open
  • X - Cancel

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