What are the "Employee Management" options / roles in KeyNet?

1 min. readlast update: 12.22.2021

Managers can be given different roles based on the amount of data they are allowed to see when looking at other employees' records, i.e., when clicking "View Staff Data" here:


These roles are maintained in the KeyNet Security Maintenance screen (General System Administration -> KeyNet Parameters -> KeyNet Security Maintenance (KC0054)), under "KEMS Roles."

The MANAGER role allows the employee to see employees' Demographics, Certifications, Attendance, and Education - for example:


The MANAGERFULL role allows the employee to see employees' Demographics, Certifications, Attendance, Education, Evaluations, Benefits, Payroll Data, Check History, Job Assignments, and Documents.

The MANAGERLESS roles allows the employee to see employees' Demographics only. (Currently the MANAGERMORE role is set up the same way - Demographics only.)

NOTE: A list of all available KeyNet menu options (a.k.a., roles) this includes a visual representation of the full menu tree and a list of each KeyNet role, categorized by module, can be found on our Client Care portal, under Documents -> User Manuals -> KeyNet. Here is a link to that document.  

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