What are the best practices for setting up supervisors?

5 min. readlast update: 11.17.2023

When setting up supervisors, it is recommended to use system-wide rules instead of defining the supervisor manually on each employee. This also allows supervisors to be updated more easily when supervisors leave your organization. 

Please navigate to the appropriate part of the article that best reflects your organization's supervisor structure:

Method 1: Supervisor by Building

Method 2: Supervisor by Department

Method 3: Supervisor by Job Code, Employee Number, or LRA.GROUP Table

Method 1: Supervisor by Building

Follow this guide if you wish to use a Building Supervisor as a supervisor for a Job Code. 

First, go to General System Administration ➜ General System Parameters ➜ Location File Maintenance (KC0003)

Next, define the building supervisor in Location File Maintenance (KC0003) screen by entering the supervisor's Employee Number in the Supervisor field. 


Note: If there are multiple supervisors assigned to a specific building, enter the second employee number in the Alt Supervisor Field, then the Subsequent third supervisors Employee Number in the Other Supervisor Field. 

After defining the supervisor in Location File Maintenance, go to System Administration Menu ➜ Personnel Controls ➜ Job Code Entry and Maintenance (KE0006). 

Once in Job Code Maintenance (KE0006), Enter the Job Code that you wish to define the supervisor for in the Job Code Field or use the Look Up icon. Then Select the Leave Approvals button.


Once you have entered Leave Request Approval Paths (KE0587). Enter B - Building Supervisor in the Code Field. 

Note: If the Alternate Supervisor is the supervisor for this job code select: BA – Building Alternate Supervisor. If the Other Supervisor is the appropriate supervisor select: E – Define Individual Employee and enter the Employee Number in the Employee Field. 

The employee’s entered in the Immediate and Alternate Supervisors field will receive email notifications. Also, all employees assigned to the Job Code  will have their requests approved by the person in the Leave Request Approval Path (Example: Job Code 001 will be approved by employee 786 or employee 1942). If more than one employee is assigned to a job code, the system will select the first active employee it locates.  


Then the supervisor will be properly defined for this job code. If you have more than one job code within this building, each of those Job Codes must be defined with (B)uilding Supervisor in KE0587.

Method 2: Supervisor by Department

Follow this guide if you wish to use a Department Head as the supervisor for a Job Code. 

 First, go to System Administration Menu ➜ Personnel Controls ➜ Department Codes Maintenance (KE0525).

When the supervisor of a job code is designated by the department, the first step is to go to the screen Employee Managament System Department Codes Maintenance (KE0525)

Once there enter the department code in the Dept Code Field. Once entered enter the employee numbers of the employees you wish to designate as supervisors in either the Department Head field, or the Alt Dept Head field. 


After defining the supervisor in Department Codes Maintenance, go to System Administration Menu ➜ Personnel Controls ➜ Job Code Entry and Maintenance (KE0006). 

Once in Job Code Maintenance (KE0006), Enter the Job Code that you wish to define the supervisor for in the Job Code Field or use the Look Up icon. Then Select the Leave Approvals button. 


Once you have entered Leave Request Approval Paths (KE0587). Enter D - Department Head in the Code Field. 


Note: If the Alternate Department Head is the preferred supervisor for this job code select: DA – Alt Department Head.  

Note: The employee’s entered in the Immediate and Alternate Supervisors field will receive email notifications. Also, all employees assigned to the Job Code  will have their requests approved by the person in the Leave Request Approval Path (Example: Job Code 001 will be approved by employee 786 or employee 1942). If more than one employee is assigned to a job code, the system will select the first active employee it locates.  

Method 3: Supervisor by Job Code or LRA.GROUP Table

If defining a supervisor by Job Code, follow these instructions:

First, go to System Administration Menu Personnel Controls Job Code Entry and Maintenance (KE0006). Once in Job Code Maintenance (KE0006). Enter the Job Code that you wish to define the supervisor for in the Job Code Field or use the Look Up icon. Then Select the Leave Approvals button


Enter the Code of the (BBuilding Supervisor, BA – Building Alternate Supervisor (see Method 1), D – Department Head, DA – Department Head Alternate (See Method 2), J – Active Employee with this Standard Job Code, E – Define Individual Employee and G1 – G5 – Pre-Defined Groups of Employees in LRA.GROUP Table

Note: The employees entered in the Immediate and Alternate Supervisors field will receive email notifications. Also, all employees assigned to the Job Code  will have their requests approved by the person in the Leave Request Approval Path (Example: Job Code 001 will be approved by employee 786 or employee 1942). If more than one employee is assigned to a job code, the system will select the first active employee it locates. 

To set up an LRA.GROUP, go to System Administration Menu, Personnel Controls, Leave Request Approval Groups (KE1007). Enter the Approval Group, Enter the Description, Enter the Employee(s):


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