Process Overview: Cash Receipts

3 min. readlast update: 10.18.2023

Cash Receipts Entry

Go to Cash Receipts -> Cash Receipts Entry (KF3111)Use the Next Record icon to create a new cash receipt item (do a Look Up to view a receipt that has been entered but not yet posted) -> Enter the date of the receipt -> Leave Receipt Code and Customer ID fields blank -> Enter the name of the payer for this receipt -> Enter the description of the receipt -> Enter the payment code associated with this receipt (do a Look Up  for valid options) -> Enter the check number only if the payment code for check was entered -> Enter the amount of the total receipt being entered ->The Bank Number is an optional field (Enter the deposit number/ticket number here) -> Enter the cash account that will be updated with this receipt (do a Look Up o view valid accounts) -> Enter the account number that will be credited the revenue from this receipt (do a Look Up  to view valid accounts) -> Enter the amount to be credited to this account -> Enter a description to reflect this line item entry -> Enter in as many detail line items needed to record the receipt -> Click OK when finished to save (you may also click Print Receipt if you need to print or email a copy of the receipt).

  **NOTE: To email a copy of the receipt, click Print Receipt then follow the prompt to preview the receipt to the screen and then use the Email  option. 


**NOTE: As long as the receipt has not been posted, you can edit the receipt changing accounts and amounts. You can also delete the receipt if needed. Once posted, a correcting entry will need to be entered.

Cash Receipts Register and Posting

Go to Cash Receipts -> Cash Receipts Registers and Posting (KF0134) -> Enter the date of the report -> Select Report (Daily Detail by Receipt #, Daily Detail by Cash Account, Daily Summary by Cash Account, Daily Summary - Grand Totals and ALL Reports) -> Enter the Cash Receipt ID or use the Look Up icon that you would like to print or leave blank to print ALL -> Leave the Receipt Code blank -> Leave blank to print all user entries or enter the user name that you want to print receipts for.  


After the register(s) print and the data is verified, the Cash Receipts Daily Posting (KF3122) screen will appear. The system will prompt to post the transaction(s), you can Cancel here if more corrections need to be made


If the data is ready to be posted enter the Report Date (the accounts will update based on the cash receipt date that was entered on each receipt) or enter a P for Post Date (this will default from the date entered on the previous screen (KF0134)), click OK to proceed or click Cancel to change the posting date. You will be prompted again asking which date you want to use for posting. At this point, you can still cancel the posting. Hit the Enter key to post with Receipt Dates or (P)ost Date

You will be prompted one more time asking if you are ready to post, click Yes to post or click No to cancel.

**NOTE: Once completed, any corrections need to be made through a correcting receipts or journal entry.


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