Payroll Distribution Posting

1 min. readlast update: 04.10.2024

Before running the Payroll Distribution Posting (LG0600) make sure the accounting period is open. Go under the Financial Information System menu, General Ledger, Funds File Maintenance (GL0019), enter a Fund and make sure the status is set to O(pen).

Once the accounting period is open go to the General Ledger, Other Module Posting Menu, Post Payroll Distribution (LG0629). Enter the Report Date to select which data you want processed. **NOTE: If you want to process each payroll separately, use the pay date.

If there are errors, a report will be displayed (errors must be fixed before proceeding)If there are no errors the system will ask "Do you want to post these items" review the list and select Yes if everything looks correct. The process is then complete and you can proceed with the next payroll posting. 

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