On the Funds File Maintenance (GL0019) screen what do the options for the Transfer Flag mean?

2 min. readlast update: 01.16.2023

General Ledger -> Funds File Maintenance (GL0019)


This field designates how budgetary transfers will be processed by the system. The valid entries are as follows:

  • A - This transfer flag specifies that all transfers involving this fund must be in balance within the fund. You MAY NOT transfer funds directly from one fund to another fund the 'TO' and 'FROM' amounts must be within the same fund.
  • N - This transfer flag specifies that inter-fund transfers are permitted and that the 'TO' and 'FROM' amounts may be two different funds.
  • S - This transfer flag specifies that all transfers involving this fund must be in balance within the fund. You MAY NOT transfer funds directly from one fund to another fund the 'TO' and "FROM" amounts must be within the same fund. However, this transfer flag specifies that transfers are permitted between sub-funds and that the 'TO' and 'FROM' amounts may be to different funds if they are sub-funds within the same controlling fund. (Example: If the controlling fund is '10' and funds '11' and '12' are the sub-funds that, combined, are fund '10' then transfers would be permitted directly between funds '11' and '12' without the amounts balancing within the individual funds.) 
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