Is there a way to mass copy queries from one user to another?

1 min. readlast update: 10.27.2024

General System Administration -> Meta Queries -> Meta Query Maintenance (KZ0434) -> Look Up Query -> Fill in the boxes -> Select OK (KZ0434)


NOTE: The "User" field is the Keystone Username (e.g., KIS.JDOE). Partial matches on this field are allowed.

If your criteria matches multiple Meta Queries, you will receive a list of the queries to select from. 


Select the Meta Query you want to Copy, and click OK. Then, click the Copy button:


Enter the User ID or use the Look Up icon to select the user you want all the queries to transfer over to. 

NOTE: Make sure a name displays in the grey box below the User ID.

 Check the box next to "Copy ALL QUERIES from user":



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