Is there a report I can print that shows all debits and credits done in a month?

1 min. readlast update: 04.19.2024

There are multiple reports that can show you all of the debits and credits in a month, these reports can be located under the General Ledger Reports menu.

Go to General Ledger -> General Ledger Reports -> Wildcard Account Summary/Detail Trans Report (BC1753) or General Ledger Transaction Report (BC2012) or Report Writer/Runner (KF4000/KF4021).

Note: When you run the reports, make sure you put in the year and period (you can do a look up to pick which period).

Wildcard Account Summary/Detail Trans Report (BC1753)

General Ledger Transaction Report (BC2012)

Report Writer/Runner (KF4000/KF4021)

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