In requisitions, what happens when the General Ledger account has insufficient funds?

2 min. readlast update: 10.18.2023

If your system is set to allow over-requesting (a FIS site parameter that can be turned on or off), then the requisition will post, and the General Ledger account will have a negative balance.  The General Ledger account must also be valid and marked as a valid requisition account.

However, if your organization is set up not to allow over-requesting (a FIS site parameter that can be turned on or off for one's own requisitions only ), requisitions that exceed available funds will not post and will need to be adjusted by a reviewer.

The system will tell the requester that the requisition was not posted due to insufficient funds, and that it is being forwarded for further review.  It will also send the requester an email.  The reviewer (or the requester) can find all unposted requisitions by going to Search Requisitions and selecting the unposted option.

There are a few ways to fix the unposted requisition:

  1. Change the account to one that has sufficient funds;
  2. Perform a budget transfer to increase the available budget;
  3. Reduce the cost of the requisition by deleting lines, reducing quantity, etc.

Once the errors have been corrected, the requestor and/or the reviewer will see a Post Requisition button, which moves the requisition back into the normal requisition approval process.

Note: Even if your system is set up not to allow over requesting, you can allow certain employees to override this setting for their own requisitions .  On the Validation record, under the Requisitions sub screen,  there is an option to Allow user to post requisition with insufficient funds.

If a requisition needs to be posted to an account with insufficent funds. You may do so on KeyNet Requisition Maintenance (RQ2220). You can accomplish this by first going to FIS --> Requisitioning --> KeyNet Requisition Maintenance (RQ2220), then entering the requisition number in the Web Requisition Number field. 

Once you have pulled up the requisition, you may post the requisition by selecting Create Requisition. 

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