In KeyNet Applicant, how do I adjust the "New Hire Approval," so we can approve job applicants?

1 min. readlast update: 11.06.2023

The "New Hire Approval" routing is controlled within each Job Announcement.

You can setup default settings by going to KEMS System Administration Menu -> KEMS Parameters -> KEMS KeyNet Parameters (KE0715) -> Select Applicant Parameters button (KE0923)

These default settings can be modified on each job announcement.


On the KeyNet Applicant Parameters screen (KE0923), you set up the default settings in the 'Request to Hire Default Routing' section.


On this screen, you will enter the desired routing, the type needs to be an individual employee (type "E") or a group.  There are 5 available types:

  • "B"     - The Building Supervisor (defined the Location file);
  • "BA"  - The Building Alternate Supervisor (defined the Location file);
  • "BO"  - The Other Supervisor field (defined the Location file);
  • "BB"  - All employees defined (B, BA, BO). In this case, any of the supervisors that approve the request will move it to the next level.
  • "E"     - A specific employee. 

To set up routing for a specific job, go to Employee Management System -> Applicant Tracking -> Job Announcement Maintenance (KE0054) and select the "Contacts" button:


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