In Financial Report Writer, how do I set my periods so they don't have to be changed (a.k.a. "relative periods")?

2 min. readlast update: 04.30.2024

When creating reports in Keystone Client using the Financial Report Writer, the periods can be set to "relative periods," which allows you to report on current and/or any other fiscal year information relative to the period selected on the Report Runner screen. 

In essence, set the column period once and forget about it!

A common set-up for the periods on this screen is to use a specific fiscal year and period (e.g., 24*12 to capture the 12th period of fiscal year 24). The problem with doing it this way is, at the start of a new fiscal year, the default column periods on the report column definition screen have to be adjusted on all financial reports. Using the YTD, MTD, PM and QTD options allow for the column report periods to change automatically, relative to the periods selected on the Financial Report Runner (KF4021) screen.









Prior Month


The report writer allows for financial data to be included from nine fiscal years prior (-) to nine fiscal years in the future (+).  With a combination of the codes and numbers, the column period range is controlled on the Financial Report Runner (KF4021).

+/-  0

Current Year

+/-  1

One Year

+/- 2

Two Years

+/- 3

Three Years

+/- 4

Four Years

+/- 5

Five Years

+/- 6

Six Years

+/- 7

Seven Years

+/- 8

Eight Years

+/- 9

Nine Years



Financial Report that has current fiscal YTD, prior fiscal YTD and prior fiscal year

Listed below are the default column periods set-up on the Report Column Definition (KF4016) screen.

To generate the report for February YTD 2024, on the Financial Report Runner (KF4021) screen select the following periods.

The report data and columns are as follows;

To access the Report Writer manual, go to the Client Care portal, and click on Documents -> User Manuals -> Financials.


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