In AP Invoice Inquiry (AP9324), what are the different statuses for a line item on an invoice?

1 min. readlast update: 04.11.2024

Go to the Inquiry Menu, A/P Invoice Inquiry (AP9324).

The status (St) values for each detail/line item are:

  • OK - It will release
  • I - There are insufficient funds
  • R - It will be held for non-receipt of goods
  • NOTE: There can be multiple reasons for a hold - (Example: RI).

The bottom line status (<<**>>) is the current status of the invoice as a whole, prior to reviewing the release status. Below are the statuses:

  • C - Cancel Payment Release
  • H - HOLD
  • HC - Hold - created from a VOIDed check
  • HI - Hold - Insufficient Funds
  • HM - Hold - Multiple Reasons
  • HR - Hold - Items not received
  • HV - Hold - Vendor Hold
  • P - Payment Release
  • R - Remove Hold
  • VC - VOIDed Check/Invoice Cancelled 
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