How does the Amazon Business Interface work?

2 min. readlast update: 02.22.2024

Keystone has partnered with Amazon Business to create requisitions and to send purchase orders electronically. (This process is also referred to as "punchout," where a supplier's online store is automatically linked to an electronic procurement system, allowing employees to shop without leaving their internal system, i.e., KeyNet.)

These integrations streamline the purchasing process across your organization, saving time and reducing errors. 

Creating a Requisition with the "shopping cart" interface:

The first part of this integration is the "shopping cart" interface, which provides KeyNet Financials users with a convenient way to create a requisition without having to manually enter the line item details into KeyNet.

The user starts by clicking on Enter Request -> Purchase Requisition in KeyNet, and enters the standard header information. When "Amazon Business" is selected as the vendor, the "Go to Detail Entry" button at the top changes to say "Go to Shopping Cart:" 

This takes you to the Amazon Business website, where you can search for items and add them to the shopping cart. (Note: some organizations are taking advantage of Amazon's "Wish List" feature. With this option, users can create wish lists directly in Amazon, and then send them to the person who will be entering the actual requisition through KeyNet.)

Once you proceed to check out, you will see the button below, which sends you back to KeyNet:


This completes the requisition in KeyNet, presenting the user with a Requisition number:

Additionally, Amazon sends the requestor an email, confirming that the requisition has been completed.

NOTE: Amazon locks in the prices on this shopping cart for seven (7) days by default, which is helpful to ensure that the invoice will match the original requisition. 


Transmitting Purchase Orders Electronically:

Once the Amazon Business requisitions are approved and processed into Purchase Orders, your purchasing agent runs the Purchase Order Print (PO0300) screen in Keystone Client as usual. Since the print run includes Amazon Business POs, which are flagged to be electronically transmitted, the system displays a new prompt:


Clicking "Yes" above brings up the KeyNet login screen. Upon logging in, KeyNet attempts to transfer the Amazon Business POs, and displays a confirmation page:


Within a few minutes, Amazon Business fully confirms the order by sending an email to the requestor.

If you have any questions and/or if you would like to add this interface to your Keystone system, please email us at

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