How do I view who is currently logged into Keystone?

1 min. readlast update: 01.28.2025

NOTE: Typically, only "administrator" level users have access to this function.


General System Administration --> List Users presently in the System

This produces a report of all current database connections.

This report is useful to identify users that may be running multiple Keystone Client sessions, or who may have left for the day and not logged out, etc.  

If you are looking to see how many licenses are currently in use, only count the users listed as either "telnet" or "console" in the "Type" column. For example, in the screenshot below, although there are 22 database connections, only the 14 highlighted connections count against this organization's license limit:

Additional note: the typical KeyNet site is configured to use two UniVerse database licenses persistently. 

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