How do I update the new (2020 and later) W-4 Form in Keystone Client?

2 min. readlast update: 01.23.2024

Employee Maintenance (KE0001)  Enter the Employee Number Click the Tax Information (KE0015) button.

The Employee Tax Information screen has been updated to accommodate the 2020 W-4 form options:

 W-4 Form: This drop-down allows you to choose one of the following three options: 

  • W-4 Prior 2020: Default selection for current employees, who have not filed a new W-4.  This option uses the old calculation and cannot be chosen for W-4 forms after 2020.
  • W-4 2(c) Unchecked: The employee did not check the box in Step 2(c) in the 2020 W-4 form.
  • W-4 2(c) Checked: The employee did check the box in Step 2(c) in the 2020 W-4 form.


Status: The first three options in this field correspond with the options in Step 1(c) on the 2020 W-4 Form. 

Note: The Married Single Rate is only used prior to 2020. If you try to select this option with either the “W-4 2(c) Unchecked” or “W-4 2(c) Checked” options selected, an error message will appear:


Claim Dependents (Step 3): Enter the dollar amount from line 3, if applicable.


Other Income (Step 4(a)): Enter the dollar amount from line 4(a), if applicable.


Deductions (Step 4(b)): Enter the dollar amount from line 4(b), if applicable.


Extra Withholding (Step 4(c): Enter the dollar amount from line 4(c) and select $ from the drop-down field, if applicable.


Exemptions: This read-only field is not used with the W-4 form after 2020.


Note: This field will only display data if the employee has not filed a 2020 or later W-4. Once a W-4 after 2020 has been submitted, a message will display, and this data will be cleared.


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