How do I set up system parameters for entering next year requisitions and purchase orders?

2 min. readlast update: 04.22.2024

**This information can also be found in the Next Year Requisitions and Purchase Orders documentation found on the Client Care website.**

Go to FIS System Administration -> Control File Maintenance Menu -> Financial System Parameters Menu -> Financials Site Control Parameters (LG0144) -> Click the “Req/Purch” (LG0542) button.


The options under Next Year PO Key and Next Year Req Key determine where the next sequential number is pulled from (i.e., when you hit the “F5” key / New Record icon):

  • Next Year Only – uses the Next Year Req/PO number ONLY.
  • Current Year Only – uses the Current Year Req/PO number ONLY.
  • Prompt Always – prompts the user each time the New Record is clicked:
    • This prompt will ask the user “Is this a next year (20) requisition/purchase order?” If yes, the system will fill in the first day of the next year (e.g., 7/1/19), and it will pull the next sequential number defined for Next Year Requisitions/Purchase Orders.
  • Prompt Once – prompts the user as described above, but only once per session.
    • This works the same way as described above; however, the system remembers your last choice (current vs. next year) and fills in the date/requisition #/purchase order # accordingly.

After you have made your selections, click “OK” all the way out to file your changes. Be sure to log out of Keystone Client (and log back in) for the changes to take effect. 

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