How do I set up a Keystone Client connection to a test account?

1 min. readlast update: 12.02.2024

You can access this by using the same login/password as you do for the live account. When you open Keystone Client, if you only have one connection set up, the login screen pops up automatically. If that's the case, type CTRL+E to get to the screen showing one connection profile (a little computer icon).

If you have two or more connections, you'll already be on the screen with the little computers:


From there, do this:

  • Right-click your live connection and select "copy".
  • Right-click in the grey space and select "paste".
    • Rename this connection to say "TEST".
  • Right - click that connection icon, and go to properties. Check with Keystone for the naming convention for your test account - usually you would simply add ".TEST" after your company code. 

We recommend that you also set your color properties to something that stands out, as a good reminder that you are in the test account (select the Properties option at the top).

See the "Sweet and Sour" color scheme set up below.  Also the text in the grey bar at the bottom indicates when the test account was last refreshed:


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