How do I set up a GL account for use in KeyNet Budget Entry?

2 min. readlast update: 04.23.2024

You can only see accounts on KeyNet that have been initialized for the Budget Year and Period, if the record is not in the BUDPREP file for the account/year/phase, then you will not see it on the web. You can enter it from Keystone Client, but not from KeyNet.

To initialize it (get it into BUDPREP) so you can see it on KeyNet, you have to do one of the follow:

  1. Run BP0024 (Initialize Budget Preparation)
    1. This will add the entry to BUDPREP
    2. It can be initialized with zero's if that is what they need
      1. That's a whole different explanation on how to do that
  2. Use BP0014 (Budget Entry)
    1. Enter the Year, the Phase, and the Account
    2. Enter a 0 for the Budget Project
      1. That will also add the record to the BUDPREP file
        1. They will now see it on KeyNet

Option 1 or 2 above will add the entry to BUDPREP so that KeyNet allows the user to enter the Budget.



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