How do I set the funds from Next Year's Period to Open?

1 min. readlast update: 04.23.2024

Note: You must set up the periods for the Default Fund first! You must also run the Funds Periods Status Change (GL0048) for Next Year. 

Make sure the funds are set to "O"pen, for all transactions, they are usually set for "N"ext Year. Go to General Ledger -> Funds Period Status Change (GL0048) -> Period to Change enter Next Year and Period 1 (Example: 25*01) -> Set Status to Open -> Click in the white box under Funds and do a Lookup (this will bring up a list of all the funds) -> Click All (this will load all of the funds into the list) -> Click Done -> Click OK.

You can also find this information in the following document: Next Year Requisitions and Purchase Orders (

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