How do I set the default fields to update when rolling from Job Assignments to Payroll?

1 min. readlast update: 02.20.2023

Salary Tables/Rollovers -> Contract Menu -> EMPJOB.STATUS Allowed Fields (KE0818)

Make sure the 'Allow EMPJOB.STATUS screen data to roll to EMPMAST status screen' is marked with a 'Y' and the fields you want to roll have a 'Y' marked.

If 'Changes to EMPJOBS status, job, or pay will create a new record' is selected and the second column has a Y entered, then a new empjobs status record will be created as a view only record to show the change to the field. 

The sync field will only work if the Control Parameter is turned on under the Job Assignments (KE1436) screen (System Administration Menu -> KEMS Parameters -> KEMS Site Parameters (KE0294) -> Job Assignments (KE1436) button). If a Y was entered in the second column then this field needs to be fille din with one of the following options:

J (Job Assignment)- The data will only roll from Job Assignments to EMPMAST.

E (EMPMAST)- Will only roll from EMPMAST to Job Assignments if the Control Parameter is turned on.

B (Both) - Will allow updating from EMPMAST and from Job Assignments.



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