How do I print A/P Checks with KeyDocs?

2 min. readlast update: 07.13.2023

KeyDocs allows you to produce and to manage fully-formatted A/P Checks directly from your Keystone system. If you are not currently using KeyDocs for your A/P Checks, please contact Keystone for assistance.

For the highest level of security, Keystone can design your check template to include ALL necessary check information. With this approach, you can print on completely blank check stock, meaning that you do not need to have any pre-printed checks in your office. Keystone can also design your check stubs to print summary or detail information about the invoices associated with your checks. 

To start the process, run "Print Accounts Payable Checks" (AP0007). Fill out the prompts, and click "OK".

The "Create New KeyDocs Document" screen will pop up. Select the prompts as highlighted below - the system will remember your selections the next time you run it:


With these options selected, the Keystone system will create two PDF files - one of your A/P Checks (password-protected) and one of your A/P Vouchers. 

Also, with the "Save Copy" option selected, the A/P Vouchers will be saved electronically to the Keystone database so they can be reviewed at any time. You can view these documents in the Check History screen, as well as various other screens in Keystone (click the "File Cabinet" icon, highlighted below):


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