How do I maintain next sequence numbers for Next Year's Purchase Orders and Requisitions?

1 min. readlast update: 04.23.2024

**All next numbers are LOCKED while this screen is open!**

Go to FIS System Administration -> Control File Maintenance Menu-> System Parameters Menu -> Next Sequence Number Maintenance (KF0995).

This screen keeps track of the next sequence number in various areas.  If your organization incorporates the year into its Requisition or Purchase Order numbers, be sure to change your “Next Year” numbers accordingly.

**NOTE: DO NOT change the following: Vendor, Vaddress, Requisition Detail, PO Detail, A/R Customers, or A/R Cash Batches!

Purchase Order numbers will accommodate 13 digits, Requisitions will accommodate 8 digits.  Do not enter leading zeros because the system will strip them out. 

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