How do I locate a requisition in KeyNet Financials?

2 min. readlast update: 03.13.2024

KeyNet Financial Management contains several options for locating requisitions that are in process, under review or completed.  

Enter Request → Finished Saved Requisitions - any purchase/voucher/inventory requisition that you started and did not complete are available for editing or deleting.  Only requisitions started by you are listed on this screen.


By selecting the Reference #, you can finish the requisition.  To delete the requisition, select Delete.

The options listed on the Financial Management → Requisitions menu are role based on individual user access.  If you do not have access, contact your system administrator.

Approve Requisitions

The screen contains all requisitions that require your approval.  The search engine at the top allows the approver to search based on individual or multiple fields.

Expand/Collapse All - will expand or collapse the records of the individual requisitions listed on the page.

Export Requisitions - creates a CSV file of summarized information of all requisitions pending approval.

Approve All - allows the approver to approve all requisitions pending.

Submit - If not using the Approve All option, the approver reviews the individual line items for each requisition and selects, Approve/Decline/Hold/Skip. After the selections are made, submit.

My Requisitions

The screen contains all requisitions that you created.  The search engine at the top allows you to search based on individual or multiple fields depending upon the status of the requisition. After selecting the status, a list of requisitions is available for selection.

Export Requisitions - creates a CSV file of summarized information of all requisitions that you created based on the status of the requisition.

Reset Search - clears the prior search results.

Status - Posted - requisition approved, In Review - requisition is pending approval, Disapproved - requisition was declined.

Create a new Requisition - if you cannot locate the requisition and need to start the process from the beginning, select the type of requisition and the program will take you to the entering a purchase/inventory/voucher requisition screen.

Search Requisitions

The screen contains all requisitions.  The search engine at the top allows you to search based on individual or multiple fields depending upon the status of the requisition. After selecting the status, a list of requisitions is available for selection.

Export Requisitions - creates a CSV file of summarized information of all requisitions that you created based on the status of the requisition.

Reset Search - clears the prior search results.

Status - Posted - requisition approved, In Review - requisition is pending approval, Disapproved - requisition was declined.


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