How do I import a Salary Guide from a spreadsheet (CSV or TXT format)?

1 min. readlast update: 09.08.2023

You can create your salary guides in Excel, save them as CSV or TXT files, and upload them directly into Keystone. This allows you to quickly and easily update salary guides without having to manually enter the data in Keystone.

Under the "Salary Tables" menu, click "Salary Guides" (KE0059).

Select the applicable Salary Guide, and double click on the Salary Guide detail for the Year and Phase you wish to update. 

NOTE: You should leave the “Remote Table Path” and “Table Name” blank – this allows you to search your own PC for the file to be uploaded. If these fields are currently filled in, you should clear them out.

Select either "Comma Delimited" or "Tab Delimited" (CSV or TXT), depending on how you decided to save the file from Excel. (If saving as a CSV file, be sure that the dollar amounts do not include commas.)

If your file contains headers and/or row descriptions, change the Starting Row and Starting Column fields accordingly. Otherwise, leave them set to "1" and "A". 

Click the "Load Remote Table" button, and a Windows dialog box should appear, allowing you to search for the file and import it to Keystone. 


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