How do I find the detailed status of a requisition?

3 min. readlast update: 05.06.2024

The life cycle of a requisition begins with the requestor and ends when it is processed into an Purchase Order (for Purchase Requisitions) or an Invoice (for Voucher Requisitions).

Depending on the type of requisition, the life cycle is different. There are three types of requisitions:

P – Purchase

V – Voucher

S - Stores

To determine where the requisition is in the life cycle requires understanding the status of the individual line items.

To access an existing requisition in Keystone Client, go to Financial Information System  Inquiry Menu Requisition Inquiry (RQ2115).

Enter the Req # or use the Lookup or F8 key to locate the requisition:

Each detail line will have information specific to that line item.  Double-click the line you are interested in viewing.

The Requisition Detail Inquiry screen (RQ0039) contains information about that requisition line item:

The status indicates what life cycle stage the requisition is currently at.  There are six different status codes for the requisition:

R – Requested

H – Hold

C – Completed

X – Cancelled

A – Approved

D - Disapproved

To see the detailed information about the life cycle of the requisition, select "Status".

The Requisition Detail Status (RQ0040) contains all the information to follow the requisition’s life cycle.

The first stage of a requisition’s life cycle starts with the approvals.  Each organization has an approval process that is unique to them.  The system can have up to nine different approval levels.  The top of the screen contains the audit trail of who and when the requisition was approved as it moves through the approval levels.

Each line in the approval audit trail indicates who, what and when the approval occurred.  The code options are as follows;

App - The approver has approved the requisition

Held - The approver has placed the requisition on hold

Usrfix - The approver has requested the requestor fix the requisition

Dis - The approver has rejected the requisition

Sysapp - The level was system generated approved.  

When the requisition starts in this life cycle, the status is an R (Requested) and the level starts at the requestor's level.

As the requisition moves through the approval process that status will be A (Approved), H (Hold) or D (Disapproved). 

CF field is the change field and has three options; 1 = entered, 2 = approval and 3 = processed.

The Apprs field indicates all employees who can approve the requisition to the next level.



The purchase requisition is the most common type.  Once the purchase requisition has been approved to a level 1 and processed, it becomes a purchase order.  After the purchase order is received, it allows for the purchase order to become an invoice that will be paid to the vendor.


The voucher requisition is used for requesting payment to a vendor directly from an invoice. Typically, the purchase for goods or services has already been completed before the voucher requisition is requested and approved.

The stores requisition is used by clients that maintain a warehouse and requestors order items internally.  Once the stores requisition is approved, it notifies the warehouse personnel to pick the item from inventory and deliver to the requesting department.


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