How do I find an employee’s employment status?

1 min. readlast update: 10.18.2023

Employee Maintenance (KE0001) -> Enter the Employee’s Number or do a Look Up


The Look Up will bring up the Look Up Query screen -> Fill in one or more of the categories relating to the employee


By doing this it will either pull up the employee you are looking for on the Employee Maintenance screen (KE0001) or it will bring you to a screen similar to the one shown below.


Scroll until you find the employee -> Select the employee then click OK

On the Employee Maintenance screen (KE0001) select the Employment Status button (KE0011)


On the Employment Status screen (KE0011) you can change the status of an employee


There are 8 different status’s you can choose from:

  • Active
  • Inactive
  • Deceased
  • Final Pay
  • Leave
  • Leave w/o Pay
  • New
  • Terminated
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