How do I export multiple documents for a specific record (vendor, employee, etc.)?

1 min. readlast update: 06.03.2024

In Keystone Client, many records (e.g., vendors, employees, customers, etc.) allow the user to attach electronic files to the File Attachments folder. 

This article outlines how to export these attachments from a vendor record to your PC in mass. Note: the same steps would apply to all types of records that allow attachments.

From the Vendor Maintenance (PO1202) screen, pull up a vendor, and select the "Edit or View Attachments" icon:

The File Attachments screen displays all attachments connected to the record. Select "Cancel" to exit the attachment list, and to activate the buttons below this list:

Use the "Refine List" option to filter the list of attachments:

From there, you can filter by a Date Range and/or a Deyword:

When filtering by Keyword, you may want to filter by the system-generated "Attachment Type" - for example:

Purchase Orders







After filtering the records, select "View All":

You can then select specific attachments by holding the CTRL key and clicking on specific records, or you can click "All" to export all attachments: 

The system opens a Windows File Explorer, allowing you to save the attachments locally to your PC:

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