How do I enter a Purchase Requisition in KeyNet Financials?

5 min. readlast update: 03.13.2024

A purchase requisition is an internal document used for requesting the purchase of goods or services.  After the purchase requisition is approved to the highest level, it is processed into a purchase order to order the goods or services from the vendor.

This article provides the steps to create a purchase requisition and to enter the detail manually in KeyNet. (For vendors that use the shopping cart interface, refer to this article: How does the Amazon Business interface work?)

In KeyNet under the Financial Management menu, select Enter Request ⇒ Purchase Requisition.

Requisition Date - Defaults to the current date

Vendor ID - enter the Vendor ID if you know it - the system will automatically update this screen with that vendor if found. You can also click Lookup Vendor ID or Most Recent Vendors.

Vendor Name - Enter the vendor's name.

When searching by vendor id or name, the vendor listing search box is used.


The most recently used vendors are listed at the top, or you can search by vendor number or name.  The search engine will lookup partial vendor number or names.  Once the vendor record is located, select the vendor.  The screen returns to the main purchase order requisition.  The vendor information is prepopulated now.

Estimated Total - enter the estimated amount. 

Account - Enter the account to which the purchase order will be charged. or select, Click to Lookup Account.

The most recently used accounts are listed in the top or you can search by account number, account name, ASN (account short number), or account type. The search engine will lookup partial account names.  For partial account numbers, use the "\" wildcard entry.  Once the account record is located, select the account.  The screen returns to the main purchase order requisition entry.  The account information is prepopulated now.

Account Description - the information is prepopulated based on the account number selected. 

Date Needed - the date can be manually entered or select the calendar icon in the right-hand side of the box and select the date from the calendar. 

Requestor - system defaults to user name.

Department - select the arrow in the right side of the box for a drop-down menu of all departments.

Ship To - select the arrow in the right side of the box for a drop-down menu of all ship to locations.

Attn - enter the recipient if needed.  

PO Delivery Method

Default Freight % - the field is typically not used.  

Default Discount % - enter the discount percentage for the vendor.  

Default Sales Tax - select the arrow in the right side of the box for a drop-down menu of sales tax.

Contract # - select the arrow in the right side of the box for a list of contract numbers.  If you don't have a contract, tab through the field.

Click to Enter Quote - if quotes are required for purchase orders, select "Click"

Enter the individual quotes.  To access a list of vendors, select "Click to Lookup Vendor Name".  The vendor listing search feature is available the same as selecting the vendor on the purchase order main screen.  When finished with quotes, select "Return to Request".

Click to Enter Alt Requisition - this option summarizes the request to the vendor in that the accounting details are suppressed to the vendor.

Blanket Purchase Order

Instructions to print on PO and/or to Purchasing - allows the requisitioner to add information for the vendor or purchasing. 

Justification for Approver and/or Explanation - allows the requisitioner to add information to the approver.

After all information is entered, select the icon in the lower right corner to return to the top of the screen. Click Go To Detail Entry.

The information entered on the first page is summarized at the top.  To hide this, select Click to Toggle View next to KeyNet Voucher Requisition Detail Entry Details.  To unhide, select again.

To edit information, select Edit Requisition Information.  You'll be returned to the first screen to make changes as needed.  Once changes are completed, select Go To Detail Entry.

The individual line details for the purchase order are entered in the line-item box.  The screen contains one line by default. After the required information is entered, select Update Line to add additional lines.

Supplier Catalog # - allows for entry of the vendor catalog number. 

Internal Stock # - allows for entry of the stock number if using Keystone Inventory system. The system will use the default item description and unit of measure that is set-up in the Inventory system.

Account Number - the account number entered on the first screen is the default for this field and can be overwritten.  Select the magnify glass to access the Account Listing. Follow the steps listed above for selecting the account.

Quantity - enter the number of items being requested.

Unit - select the arrow to the right of the box for a drop-down list.

Unit Cost - enter the cost of the unit that you are requesting.  The system calculates the total based on quantity times unit cost.

Freight - enter the total cost of freight.

Discount - enter the total discount available (this amount will reduce the total extended cost). 

Tax - enter the total tax amount.

Taxable? - this box selection is based on the set-up of the vendors master record.

Item Description - enter a description in this field as it's required.

Once all individual lines are added, select Finish Requisition from the top menu.

The system moves to the KeyNet Requisition Update and provides you with a Requisition Number:

Print - prints the requisition to a printer or file.

Attachments - allows for the user to attach supporting documentation.

Next Requisition - allows for entry of next requisition.

Requisition # - returns to the detail entry screen to allow for any edits or updates.

The purchase requisition has been successfully created.

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