How do I customize what information employees can change in KeyNet?

1 min. readlast update: 02.01.2021

You can configure the approval settings for just about any employee-related field that displays in KeyNet.

System Administration Menu -> KEMS Parameters -> KEMS KeyNet Parameters (KE0715)


Select Employee Portal Parameters (KE0956). The fields are grouped by type.


Select each button (example: Employee (KE3923)) on the left hand side, and set the approval settings as desired:

  • AR = Approval required.  Your HR staff will need to approve/decline the change through Personnel Actions (KE0053).  Make sure you have configured your email notifications so that HR receives emails of all change requests.
  • DR = Documentation required.  The employee will need to submit documentation to HR (hint: they can do this through their My Documents folder).  Then Your HR staff will need to approve/decline the change through Personnel Actions (KE0053).
  • NA = No approval required.  This change will take effect immediately.
  • NC= No change allowed. 
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