How do I create a new user in Keystone?

1 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

The easiest way to create a new user is with the "Save As" utility on the Validation File Maintenance screen.

General System Administration → Security / Menus / Access Rights → User Maintenance [VALIDATION file] (KF0045)

First, pull up an existing user in the User Maintenance screen who is already set up with rights that are similar to the user user. 

Then, click "Save As". There you will enter the Employee Number of the new employee, as well as their User ID

Note: As indicated on this screen, if your IT Department enters user IDs as mixed case (e.g., "JohnDoe"), then you need to enter the user ID in mixed case as well on the "New AD Login" field.


This utility duplicates the security group, COA security, and Requisition settings, and it allows you to choose whether to copy any of the following settings: 

  • Copy user’s KeyNet Roles (WEBSEC record)
  • Copy user’s Meta Queries
  • Copy user’s Keystone Client Shortcuts 



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