How do I clear the posting information on employees job assignment and roll job assignment to payroll?

1 min. readlast update: 04.16.2024

Go to Employee Maintenance (KE0001) -> Enter an employees number

Click on the Job Assignments button, highlighted above in yellow -> On screen KE1166 (Employee Job Assignments Status Years) -> Select the most recent year, as shown below highlighted in blue -> Then click "View", as shown highlighted below in yellow.

On screen KE0813 (Employee Jobs Status Screen) select the most recent year as shown below highlighted in Blue and click "View" as shown below highlighted in yellow.

On screen KE0805 (Employee Job Assignments) click the "More" button shown highlighted below.

On screen KE1365 (Job Assignment More Info.) click the "Clear Post Info", shown highlighted below in yellow

Confirm (YES) to clear the information, as shown below highlighted in yellow.

Click OK -> On screen KE0805 (Employee Job Assignments) click the Update button, shown below highlighted in yellow.

On screen KE0825 (UPDATE EMPLOYEE PAYLINES) click in the drop down field under ***DO YOU WANT TO*** -> Select "1. Insert the Employee Job Assignment, Only", shown highlighted below in Blue -> Click OK all the way out.


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