How do I change invoice check codes after they have been posted and released for payment?

1 min. readlast update: 10.18.2023

Invoice Entry -> A/P Invoice Change/Cancel (AP3324) -> Enter the Vendor Number and Invoice Number -> Change the Check Code 


Note: If the system gives you an error message when trying to access this screen, 'Has been released for payment, cannot change.' You will need to go through the release process and change the status using the following steps found below.

Disbursements -> Invoice Release/Check Writer -> A/P Invoice Status Change (AP9140) -> Enter the Vendor Number and Invoice Number -> Use the Look Up icon in the Status to view a list of statuses to choose from, for this situation select C for Cancel Payment Release


Once the Status is updated then you can go through the steps for the A/P Invoice Change/Cancel (AP3324) to update the Check Code. Once the Check Code is updated you will need to go back to the A/P Invoice Status Change (AP9140) and release the payment again. To do this use the Look Up icon in the Status box and select P for Payment Release. Select OK to save all changes.



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