How do I begin a new budget cycle?

1 min. readlast update: 02.01.2021
  1. First, create the year for each fund that you will be budgeting against in the new year, either using  the Funds File Maintenance (GL0019) (General Ledger) or the Funds Period Status Change (GL0048) (General Ledger) screens.
  2. Then, create the budget year and phases that you wish to use for the new budget cycle, using the Budget Preparation Site Parameters ( LG0569) (Budget Preparation).
  3. Then, set up your starting point for your budget with the Initialize Budget Preparation (BP0024) (Budget Preparation).
    Here you can set the budget phase with various starting points such as: zero balance, last year’s budget amounts, or last year’s budget plus a %.

For more detail on this process, please refer to the User Manuals.

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