How do I auto reverse Journal Entries?

1 min. readlast update: 04.11.2024

Go to General Ledger, Journal Entries Menu, Journal Entry (GL1031). Enter the original Journal # and tab through until the Options.. button becomes available.

Click the Options.. button and select Auto Reversing.

Auto Reversing creates a copy of the original journal entries with the debits and credits reversed. A message will appear 'Creating a Reversing Standard entry...OK (Y/N)?' select YesNOTE: You may receive a message that the file already exists, click Yes to proceed.

Click Clear when finished to create the template. NOTE: The Journal Entry does not run automatically.

To run a new journal entry, go back to Journal Entry (GL1031) and enter a new Journal #. Make sure the box is checked next to Load (Y/N) and enter the auto reversal batch number in STD JE ID, enter a Post Date, click OK to apply the entries.

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