How do I attach / upload a new document to a record in Keystone?

1 min. readlast update: 10.18.2023

You can attach documents to various records in Keystone Client.  Several examples include:

  • Employee Maintenance (KE0001) – attach documents to employees’ records
    • Found under Employee Management System
  • Purchase Order Entry (PO2104) – attach documents to purchase orders
    • Found under Purchasing -> Vendor Maintenance and Listings
  • Vendor Maintenance (PO1202) – attach documents to vendors
    • Found under Purchasing -> Vendor Maintenance and Listings
  • A/P Invoice Entry (AP0324) – attach documents to invoices
    • Found under Invoice Entry .  
    • NOTES: 
      • You must enter the Invoice# and tab past that field on AP0324 before attaching the file!
      • The attachment is not viewable in A/P Invoice Inquiry until the invoice is posted.

To add a new document, select the filing cabinet icon with a "+" on it:   



This will bring up a Windows dialog box. Browse your computer to locate the file to be attached.  (Note: You may need to toggle the dropdown in the lower-right corner to see your file.) Then, in Keystone Client, select an attachment type (if desired), and select OK.

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