How do I assign and set up notifications for the ACA responsible person?

1 min. readlast update: 04.26.2024

Setting an ACA responsible person(s)

Go to General System Administration -> Security / Menus / Access Rights -> Validation File Maintenance (KF0045) -> Enter the Employee 'User Id' (this is the employees Web ID and can be found on their confidential data screen).

Click on 'Employee Access' (KE9005) tab -> Check off 'ACA Responsible Person'.

If a User ID is marked this way and they make a change to Category, status, or benefit group, they will be prompted to update the ACA Status History screen (KE0666). To find this screen go to Employee Maintenance (KE0001) -> Enter the Employee Number -> Click the Benefits tab (KE0557) -> Click the ACA Status History tab (KE0666).

 Set up email notifications

Go under KEMS System Administration -> KEMS Parameters -> KEMS Site Parameters -> Web Settings -> Notification List -> Set up your KeyMail code by clicking on the 'Setup KeyMail Code' button. Set up a code for ACA (we used ACA - STATUS - PERSON) and fill in the To Email Address(es) of those people who should be notified. Fill in the fields and OK all the way out. 

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