How do I approve requisitions in KeyNet Financials?

2 min. readlast update: 03.15.2024

In KeyNet under the Financial Management menu, select Requisitions → Approve Requisitions.

The screen contains all requisitions that require your approval.  The search engine at the top allows the approver to search based on individual or multiple fields.

Expand/Collapse All - will expand or collapse the records of the individual requisitions listed on the page.

Export Requisitions - creates a CSV file of summarized information of all requisitions pending approval.

Approve All - allows the approver to approve all requisitions pending.

Submit - If not using the Approve All option, the approver reviews the individual line items for each requisition and selects, Approve/Decline/Hold/Skip. After the selections are made, submit.

Below the search engine is a list of all requisitions for your approval.  

Next to the Sort By, you are able to sort by the following fields; Req#, Type, Requested By, Vendor, Budget and Request Date. 

To access the detail of the requisition, select the hyperlink next to the requisition number. 

The line-item details of the requisition are available to view. NOTE: Depending upon your security settings, the approver may be allowed to edit the line item details. 

When completed, select, Return to List to return to the approval screen.

When reviewing individual requisitions for approval, there are four options:

  • Approve - the requisition is approved and moves to the next step in processing.
  • Decline - the requisition needs to be returned to the requisitioner.  When this is selected, a decline reason box is available with a drop-down arrow to select the reason. The system will email the requestor that the requisition has been disapproved.
  • Hold - the requisition will be placed on hold and remaining in the approver's queue to be reviewed at a later date.
  • Skip - the requisition will remain in the approver's queue to be reviewed at a later date.

After reviewing individual requisitions, select the icon in the lower right corner to return to the top of the screen. Select, Submit to process the requisitions.

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