How do I adjust / write-off an Accounts Receivable Invoice?

1 min. readlast update: 10.18.2023

If you have already created and posted an A/R Invoice, you can write it off with the following steps:  

1) Run the Accounts Receivable Adjustments/Write-off Entry screen (AR0074)

2) Click the F5 key (or the New Record icon, below) to create a new entry


 3) Choose the appropriate Type for the adjustment (NOTE: if you need a new type, you can create that on the Code Table Maintenance screen / KC0004 - the code table is AR.TRANS.TYPE).

4) For the Post Date, you can use any date you like - you may want to use the original invoice date, as long as that period is still open.

5) If the refund amount is $120, enter 120 as the amount. Positive amounts reduce the A/R invoice balance.

6) Enter the G/L account to be credited (it must be the same G/L account on the invoice).

7) Enter the A/R Invoice number and the write-off amount (this will match the Total amount if you are only writing off one invoice).

8) When you click OK, the transaction will post; there is no register/update process. See screenshot below:


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