How do I add/edit/delete code options to a code table (e.g., HR Code ATTACHMENT.TYPE)?

1 min. readlast update: 10.18.2023

To do this, you must have access to the KEMS System Administration menu.  Go to KEMS System Administration Menu –> Personnel Controls -> KEMS Code Maintenance (KE0124)


In this example, use the Lookup icon on the Code Type (Example: ATTACHMENT.TYPE) -> In the Code field, enter the new field (Example: KNA-RESUME), hit the TAB key on your keyboard -> Enter a description (Example: Resume) ->  Select OK to save


Note: If you want to delete or edit an existing code, follow the steps above, but do a Lookup on the Code field.  You can then edit and select OK to save, or you can select Delete to remove the code completely.

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