How do I add/delete KeyNet roles (a.k.a menu option)?

2 min. readlast update: 03.04.2024

KEMS System Administration -> KEMS Parameters -> KEMS KeyNet Parameters (KE0715)


Select Security Parameters -> KeyNet Security (WEBSEC) (KE0626), here you can set the default roles.


Under KeyNet KEMS Roles and KeyNet Fin Roles select one of the boxes to choose from one of the four options:

Done: This means you are finished with the changes you made.

Insert: This will add a blank box below the box you have selected.

Delete: This is where the box you have selected will be immediately deleted.

Note: Be careful when you are deleting a role, it does not give you the option to delete or cancel your choice it just automatically deletes the role. If this happens and you did not want to delete the role do not select Done, select cancel at the bottom right hand corner of the screen and none of the changes will be made.

Dup: This will duplicate the box you have selected.

If you do not want any of these options and want to add a new role at the end of the list scroll down the list until you find a blank box -> Select the box -> Do a Lookup -> Select the KeyNet Role you want -> Select OK -> Select Done -> Continue to select OK until all screens have closed.

A list of all available KeyNet menu options (a.k.a., roles) this includes a visual representation of the full menu tree and a list of each KeyNet role, categorized by module, can be found on our Client Care portal, under Documents -> User Manuals -> KeyNet. Here is a link to that document.

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