How do I add an employee(s) into a payroll batch?

1 min. readlast update: 01.05.2024

Go to the Payroll Processing Menu -> Maintain Payroll Transactions -> Maintain Payroll Batches (KE0069). Enter the Batch# (Batch Number) or use the Look Up icon to select the batch.



Click in the white box under Employee#, Employee Name, C#, Total Hours, Total Days and Total Amount. Click the New button.


A box will appear "Enter the Employee Number" and click OK.


The Payroll Transactions (KE0063) screen will appear, click in the Pay Code field. Use the Look Up icon to pull in the employee's payline. Click OK. The employee will then appear on the Maintain Payroll Batches (KE0069) screen and will be added to the pay batch.


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