How do I add a KeyNet Role (a.k.a menu option) to an employee?

1 min. readlast update: 03.07.2024

KeyNet security is maintained within Keystone Client.

In Keystone Client, go to General System Administration -> KeyNet Parameters -> KeyNet Security Maintenance (KC0054) .


To access an employee, enter the username in the KeyNet Web Security Id or use the   or F8 to lookup all users, and select the user record.

In the appropriate section,  Financials Roles or KEMS Roles,  place your cursor on a blank row and enter the role or use the   or F8 to lookup a list of all roles. Select the role and "OK".

Repeat the steps for each role. After all roles are added, click "OK" to save the record.

To add KeyNet Roles (a.k.a KeyNet menu option) to multiple employees refer to the article:

How do I add a KeyNet Role (a.k.a KeyNet Menu option) to multiple employees?

A list of all available KeyNet Roles (a.k.a  menu options) categorized by module, can be found on our Client Care Portal, under Documents -> User Manuals -> KeyNet Menu & Roles. Here is a link to that document


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