Generally speaking there are two scenarios:
- System set to allow over-requesting
- System set not to allow over-requesting
If your system is set to allow over-requesting (a FIS site parameter that can be turned on or off), then the requisition will post, and the GL account will have a negative balance.
Or, if your system is set not to allow over-requesting, the requisition will not post, and it will be forwarded to a reviewer. This only happens in KeyNet. If you are doing this in Keystone Client, its a hard stop.
In Keystone Client - Requestioning Menu -> KeyNet Requisition Maintenance (RQ2220)
In KeyNet - choose Requisitions in Review. You will either look at the ones that are posted and go to approval, or look at the ones in review.
**Special Note: You can give specific reviewers the ability to override the system parameter setting that disallows over-requesting. Go to General System Administration -> Security/Menus/Access Rights -> Validation File Maintenance (KF0045) -> Select the "Requisitions" button
This will bring you to screen KF0262 where there is an option to “Allow user to Post a KeyNet Requisition with Insufficient Funds”