You can now input just the day, month and day, or month, day, and year for dates and the result will come up as (example: 02/20/2023). You can also input the date using /, \, ., 0220, 022023 and it will bring the date up as (example: 02/20/2023). As shown in the image below.
The system also knows if a date is invalid, such as, if you enter February 31st into the system you would get an error stating invalid date because the system knows there are not 31 days in February. The system knows there are only 28 days unless it is a leap year, then the system knows there are 29 days in February.
You can also, enter +# or -# and that will go ahead the number of days of the current date or back the number of days of the current date. For the beginning of the month enter B, end of the month enter E, today enter T, and yesterday enter Y. Examples can be found in the image below.
You can use any of the following keys to separate the date in data entry:
- !, @, #, $, %, ^, &, *
- (, ), -, +, =, _, , <, >
- ?, /, \, {, }, [, and ]
I.E.: 12!1 will return 12/01/17