Common reasons a pay line may not automatically pull into payroll.

1 min. readlast update: 09.13.2023

Common Reasons why a payline may not automatically pull into Payroll:

  • Check to see if the pay line has dates
  • Make sure the pay line is Active
  • Make sure the pay line is not paid out
  • Make sure it has the correct pay cycle
  • Make sure the pay code matches what you are requesting on the automatic timecard
  • Make sure the dates on the calendar code the employee is assigned to is correct. The check date or pay ending date (depends on how the parameter is set), needs to fall within the start and end date entered on the calendar code (System Administration Menu -> Payroll Controls -> Define Calendar Start/Stop Dates (KE0445). The calendar code is entered on the employee status screen (KE0011) (Applicant Tracking -> Employee Maintenance (KE0001))
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