Client Care - guidelines

4 min. readlast update: 02.01.2021

Keystone is committed to providing quality, timely customer service to all of our valued clients.  To that end, we have identified some guidelines for our clients to follow when contacting Keystone Client Care, which will help Keystone to work more efficiently and effectively.  Please share these guidelines with all of your staff:

1.  New cases must go through Client Care.

We appreciate that some customers may have their preferred programmers or specialists.  However, all new support requests must initially be registered with Keystone’s on-duty Client Care personnel.  More precisely, if you email a Keystone employee directly with a new request, Keystone’s policy is for the employee to forward the email to Client Care ( to be entered (and promptly reviewed) through our case system.  This not only allows us to identify the most appropriate resource to address your issue, but it also allows our employees to work more efficiently on other cases by minimizing interruptions to their day.

Note: The three methods for entering a new case are:

1) Calling our main number (856-722-0700) and ask for Client Care;
2) Entering it online at (registration required; select New User to register); and
3) Emailing, including as much detail as possible, such as the program name, module, due date (if applicable), and any supporting screen shots / documentation.

2. Know your case number (for existing cases).

If you are contacting Keystone with regard to an existing case, please reference the case number.  Keystone’s receptionist and/or the on-duty Client Care personnel will be able to assist you in finding the number, if needed.

3.  Schedule training for new users of Keystone.

As described more fully in Keystone’s License Service Terms and Conditions, access to Keystone’s Client Care services is limited to those individuals who have been trained by Keystone.  Keystone offers reduced-cost, KORNERstone training for new employees in key user positions, as well as various other training options.  Please contact us at to learn more.

4.  Designate only a few key users to call in/enter cases.

Expert users who know the Keystone system well are usually more capable of describing the issue and understanding the advice from our support staff.   Channeling your support requests through these key users will also eliminate duplicate cases.

5.  Feel free to escalate a case.

If you believe any particular item deserves extra attention by Keystone, go ahead and escalate it by selecting the Mark High Priority / Escalate Case button in Web cases (or ask Client Care to escalate the issue for you).  This will change the priority to High and notify additional Keystone staff of your issue.

6.  Search the Web case system to see if your issue has been entered before.

The Web case system ( is a terrific resource, and we encourage all users to use it.  By searching through older cases, you may be able to locate a relevant resolution.  Also, by calling in with an existing case number, you will help prevent duplicate cases.

TIP: When searching, change the status to all to find both open and closed cases.

7.  Describe the issue in detail, including how to reproduce it.

Please be prepared with specific information about your issue (program name, module, due date, error messages, screen shots, etc.).  Our ability to resolve an issue almost always depends on our ability to recreate the issue.  If we can’t reproduce the problem, we may not be able to help you!

8.  Provide supporting documentation (screen shots, reports, printouts, etc.).

Supporting documentation is extremely helpful for resolving software issues.  There are various ways to attach files: directly through Web cases, e-mailing to (include the case number), or faxing to 888-908-7114 (include the case number).

9.  Ask our support staff to remote in (using Turbo Meeting or to your computer.

If you are having difficulty explaining an issue, ask us to remote in to your computer.  Seeing the problem first-hand can be extremely helpful for our support staff.  Of course, our staff may request to do this as well, but feel free to ask!

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